I get a lot of questions from other photographers asking what kind of gear I use. I always like to point out that it’s not about the equipment you own, but your ability to use what you have that makes a good photographer. The lack of expensive gear should not be the limiting factor in creating your images. My images over the years have been made with minimal gear, sometimes with just a flashlight and an iPhone. Knowing how to use the gear you already own is the most important thing I can emphasize.
It has taken me years to build up my arsenal of equipment, but most of the time I use a small fraction of what I own. I am a Nikon shooter. I received a Nikon camera as a middle schooler and just built my gear around that first camera. Throughout the years, I’ve shot 35mm, a medium format Bronica, and finally DSLR. I sometimes miss my 35mm as the digital cameras only have so many clicks in them before they give up. I've found that I use the Nikon D4 the most, because it seems to keep up with me better than any other camera has. I also prefer AlienBees’ products, as their customer service has been extremely easy and helpful to deal with over the years and I’ve had two of their lights for over 18 years. The rest of my photo equipment is a mishmash of various brands and manufacturers that I’ve collected over the past 20 years.
When prepping for a shoot, I go through in my head or on paper (depending on the size of the shoot) what gear I will need, as well as thinking about any potential problems. This exercise helps me to make sure that I pack all the things I'll need. Some of my most common obstacles are lack of existing light and VERY limited shooting space. My Rogue flash benders are a huge help when this happens. They are very compact and put out really nice light. I also walk into many photo locations not knowing what I will face. I try to be prepared for the unexpected. I do this by having backups for my equipment. If I’m using wall powered strobes, I’ll bring a battery backup and small battery power flashes, just in case I don’t have access to power. I even bring canvas to block out a window in the event that the natural light isn’t right for my images. While my experience allows me to think on my feet pretty quickly during a shoot, I am always relieved when I’ve packed my bag well.
So here goes.
In The Bag
Think Tank
Airport International™ V 2.0 Rolling Camera Bag
Nikon D4
Nikon D810
Nikon 50mm f1.8
Nikon 85mm f1.8
Nikon 180mm f2.8
Nikon 105 micro f2.8
Nikon 24-70 f2.8
2 Nikon SB-800
Nikon SB-700
Metz AA AF-1
Phottix wireless remotes
Macbook Pro 15in
Sekonic light meter
4 Justin clamps
2 LED panels
Hoodman magnifying eyecup
MacBook Pro 13inch
WD My Passport 1TB drive
LED Lenser P7
LED sense P4
Rogue FlashBenders
Rogue Grids
Rogue Gels
Vagabond Portable Power BY Paul C. Buff
Thanks Christine Alward for making this image!