I was very excited when Sacramento Magazine asked me to travel to LA to photograph Chris Sullivan from the TV show This Is Us. Taking production on location always has its challenges, which are magnified when you have to fly with your gear, making sure you have all the things you need while away. We ended up hand carrying our lights on the plane and rented stands locally in Los Angeles. Everything went smoothly, and Chris and his team were terrific to work with.
It takes a team!
Art Direction : Gabriel Teague
Publicist: Maria Candida
Stylists: Lisa Cera and Tyler McDaniel at Crosby Carter Management
For my crew, it was an all-family affair with my daughter, Savannah Engle, as 1st assistant and my daughter Victoria's brother-in-law US Army Infantry Officer Veteran Clayton Reagan as 2nd assistant. No way things would have been so smooth without their help.
Myself, Chris Sullivan, and my daughter Savannah