Recently I was assigned to cover the historic rail yards in Sacramento, which consist of the Railyard, Boiler Shop, and the Erecting Shop for Sacramento Magazine. If you live in Sacramento, then you know this iconic location. Located in downtown Sacramento, it's been a location that I have wanted to explore my entire life. So my excitement, when I learned I was going to shoot there, was through the roof! The short story on why it became possible to shoot there is that the rail museum became the owner of the property recently and the red tape to get in was reduced. It still took a few months of e-mails and phone calls, which I was more than happy to participate in.
Photo Day - Early Session
Sunday marked another great outing at the Preston Castle this was the first of three photo days this year. This one took full advantage of early morning light which is always spectacular.
Making The Most Out Of Your Location
For the past few years, I’ve been working with Sacramento Magazine photographing the area's top attorneys. This is a yearly supplement, and on average I have about 25 firms I have to photograph in a 45-day span.
20minute Portrait
I was recently assignedto photograph multiple law firms for a local magazine.
Photographing law firms is something I've done the past few years for this magazine and I really enjoy it. A majority of them are on location, but I do shoot a few at my studio. It always a challenge to get busy people scheduled to photograph. One of the attorneys was in between appointments and called to see if I was available. I happened to have about an hour before my next shoot, so his timing worked out perfectly. By the time my lighting was set up and he arrived, I had about 20 minutes to make some images. Over the years I have worked really hard to get the images that I need, quickly and efficiently. It's taken much practice and is something I'm still working on.
Here are a few tips I have picked up over time.
R & R and a 30sec Exposure
I spent a weekend In Bodega Bay, CA for a little R & R. Bodega Bay is usually known from the classic Hitchcock Film, The Birds, but I didn’t have a problem with them! I used the opportunity to work on some long exposure images, specifically 30 seconds per image. I am relatively new to the long exposure game, so it’s taking me some time to get a feel for it. What has really opened the 30 second world up for me has been the Tiffen LE series Apex filter; it’s a 10 stop ND filter.